São Paulo, Brazil
[email protected]
award-winning multidisciplinary game developer, with a focus on game systems, porting, localisation, UI/UX, and accessibility. previously a Computer Science student and an Apple Developer Academy alumna, deer has shipped commercial titles for game consoles and contributed to internal tools for the development of games, such as the VR experiences The Line and YUKI (ARVORE), as well as developed their own game engines for personal projects.
veadotube (2021 ~ present)veado.tube
self-published computer program suite
solo programmer, responsible for the custom engine built in .NET as well as the Windows + macOS + Linux ports
A Sunday Afternoon (2024)whitewolfy.com/sunday-afternoon
computer game demo by White Wolfy
solo Unity developer, responsible for gameplay systems, tech art, and Yarn Spinner integration
YUKI (2021)yukivrgame.com
VR game by ARVORE Immersive Experiences
Unity developer, responsible for internal development tools
The Line (2020)arvore.io/project/the-line
VR experience by ARVORE Immersive Experiences
Unity developer, responsible for the Meta Quest port, hand tracking features, accessibility features, and audio+subtitle localisation
Pixel Ripped 1995 (2020)arvore.io/project/pixel-ripped-1995
VR game by ARVORE Immersive Experiences
Unity developer, responsible for base game systems, internal tools, and gameplay, as well as the PSVR port